Monday, September 24, 2007

Beading Affair

This is the second time writing this blog. I tried previewing it and it disappeared!

Well, I have not posted since August. I have decided to journal a bead or group of beads that I have made from clay or paper. I do not always do things the easy way. If given a choice of buying or making something, I will make instead. The process of making, mixing colors, and shaping beads is exciting to me. In August I made three beads that were inspired from my African print futon cover. The cover has several different African etchings. After mixing the color brown using organge and blue I drew the designs with a black fine tip permanent marker. My son thought that I had bought the beads at the craft store. They turned out well.

I felt lazy one day and thought, "how can I use color without paints and mixing?" My friend Dot gave me a 50-set of Color Workshop Kaps Off markers some years ago and the idea came to me to use the markers to color the clay. Yes, I know I can buy the colors that I want at the store, but then again, I don't always take that approach. I now had fifty additional colors to use in my beadwork and could mix them even further if I wanted to.

I do have one picture of the beads but the photo isn't as clear as I would like it to be. or its not sh owing at all.

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